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Maxine Adam
Linda Adamson
Evelyn Archer
Lonnie Batterson
Kenneth Black
Rex Booth
Nancy Bradshaw
Keith Brown
Michael Carr
Richard Chance
James Chrisman
Ben Cloke
Charles Creech
Linda Dallner
Leon Durflinger
Al Farrington
Wilson Finney
Robert Fligg
Michele Fligg Chance
Don Fountain
Dixie Gatlin
Linda Hancock
Linda Harmon
Susan Harmon
Jerry Hemm
Larry Humble
Dennis Jeffrey
Francis Johnson
Paul Keasling
Richard Keasling
Glen Kesselring
Steven Kurka
Geraldine Lewis Crane
Donna Liles
Justine Livesay
Judith Madden
Harry Martsching
Willetta Martsching
Vera McCormick
Carolyn McDowell
Nancy McFarland
Cheryl McMullin
Juanita Metcalf
Joseph Miller
Cynthia Moore
Charlene Morrison
Jerry Morrow
Carolyn Mulcahy Schmitz
Judith Newquist
Carol Payne
Roderick Pickens
Albert Pilcher
John Pool
Linda Powell
Richard Pumphrey
Margaret Reighard
Karen Roberts
James Rupe
Virginia Rupe
Wilbur Rupe
Patricia Shumate
Verle Steen
Cheryl Stevenson
Craig Sumner
Daniel Thompson
Alice Tooley
Jane Vass
Patti Webb Whitham
Judy Welsh
Lexia Wilkinson
Rita Wilkinson
Carolyn Winston
Clair Wolf
Carla Zuehke
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Update Your Information

If you graduated in the class of 1964, we'd love to hear from you. Use our alumni update form to share:
  • your email address
  • your Facebook profile
  • your photo
  • career and personal news
We'll update the information on this class page and may include in a future Cardinal alumni newsletter!
The mission of the Cardinal Community School is to foster an enriching environment and channel the energies of students to achieve their fullest potential.
Cardinal School District does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, age (for employment), socioeconomic status (for programs), religion, disability, creed, national origin, marital status (for programs), sex, sexual orientation, or gender identity in its educational programs and employment practices. There is a grievance procedure for processing complaints of discrimination. If you have questions or grievance related to this policy, please contact the district’s equity coordinator, Cindy Green.

The Cardinal Community School District offers career and technical  programs in the following service areas:
Agriculture, Food, and Natural Resources
Health Science
Human Services
Business, Finance, Marketing, and Management

Cindy Green -
Middle School Principal/Director of Curriculum & Instruction, Equity Coordinator
4045 Ashland Rd.
Eldon, IA 52554
(641) 652-7531

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