Graduation Classes
Class of 1958
Fred Allman
Rush Baush
Benton Blankenship
DeWitt Bostwick
Carroll Bottorff
Richard Boxx
Ruth Carter
Warren Curtis, Jr.
Ronald Davis
George Day
Carole DeGood
Mary Dunne
Leonard Fiedler
Larry Fite
Delorris Fitzsimmons
James Fligg
Gloria Forbes
Bernard Garrels
Kathleen Garrels
Gloria Gideon
Marilyn Giltner
La Vern Graham
Patty Hancock
Bette Harding
Richard Hemm
Cecil Hewitt
David Hill
Linda Johnson
Shaaron Lagle
Judith Lee
Kenneth Lineback
Patty McClure
Judith McCoy
Goldie McDaniel
Nancy McGhee
Marcia Megrath
Jerry Moyer
Rosemary Orman
Darlene Ornduff
Larry Ornduff
Jack Pumphrey
Ernest Radler
Patricia Reid
Edith Reinier
Linda Reisch
Delores Roberts
Garry Rupe
Merle Sedore
Veryl Shawn
Jeaninne Shipley
Richard Sickels
William Six
Dale Snyder
Delbert Somner
Larry Streeby
Darlene Sumner
Frederick Thomas
Agnes Waddle
True Wheeldon
Wilson Wilburn
Carol Wolf

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