Graduation Classes
Class of 1960
James Batterson
Marilyn Booth
Ronald Carder
Martha Carter
David Cary
Jerry Courtney
Donald Cox
Glenn Cremer
Barbara Cubbage
Robert Drake
John Dungan
Joyce Dunne
Eugene Durflinger
Loretta Durflinger
Patricia Essary
Mertic Fiedler
David Gillispe
Barbara Graham
Judith Greenland
Bill Hayes
Anna Kent
Mary Kessler
Carol Lewis
Linda Lewis
Thomas Lyon
Betty McCleary
Reva McGhee
Janet Miller
Jon Moyer
Denny Nelson
Glen Packwood
Alan Park
Robert Parker
Myrintha Parrett
Marilyn Pettit
Sharon Phillips
Mari Anne Ragen
Diane Roath
Robert Ross
Mary Jo Shaw
John Shive
Mari Jean Smith
Sharon Stagers
Arvin Tarbell
Paul Thomas
William Trout, Jr.
Floyd Waddle
Don Wheeler
Michael Whitham
Kay Wilkinson
Roy Winston, Jr.
Clark Yeager

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