Graduation Classes
Class of 1961
Bill Adamson
Kenneth Adamson
Milton Baldridge
Mary Sue Black
Tom Boos
Kay Brain
Gary Canady
Sarah Carlisle
Tom Chance
Charles Cloke
Mike Cox
Willis Cox
David Durflinger
Betty Fiedler
Velma Fiedler
Rita Jean Fisch
Mary Jo Fowler
Terry Fowler
Karen Galey
Junior Garrels
Lillian Garrett
Kenneth Golden
Kenneth Hamilton
Mike Hancock
George Harmon
James Jones
Larry Kaprich
Linda Keasling
Mike Lee
Charles Lewis
Saundra Lunkley
Marion Madden
Mary Jo Mann
Judy McConnell
Geraldine McDowell
Linda McFarland
Neal McMullin
Pat Orman
Betty Ornduff
Phyllis Osing
David Park
Dee Pumphrey
Jim Pumphrey
Mark Reno
Curtis Riedel
James Rupe
Nancy Sadler
Jerry Sapp
Dennis Schmidt
Bonnie Schmitter
Beth Shive
Robert Shive
Stephen Smith
Wayne Snook
David Spilman
Melvern Spinks
Jeanne Stephenson
Linda Thompson
Ron Thorne
Reed Vass
Sharon Veach
Bonnie Weir
Larry Welsh
Judy Wharton
Bob Widmar
LuAnn Wilkinson
Janice Willhoit

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