Graduation Classes
Class of 1965
Janice Adam
Judy Adamson
Cindy Allman
Anita Anderson
Thomas Baker
Darrell Batterson
Michael Bedford
Linda Benson
Ronnie Black
Shirley Bradshaw
Jack Brain
Madeline Britt
Linda Canny
Patty Carter
Dwayne Cassill
Thomas Cope
Liliane Copeland
Charles Courtney
Michael Courtney
Gaylord Davis
Allan Dehm
Connie Denny
Colin Dimmitt
William Dovico
Vickie Dungan
Denny Durflinger
Stephen Durflinger
Shelby Dye
Bernadette Eckelberg
Neala Eddy
Mary Emry
Marjorie Fiedler
Barbara Fligg (Davis) · Read Bio
Donna Fountain
Frederick From
Judy Garber
Thomas Gardner
Constance Gideon
Cathie Gobble
Gary Gruwell
Ronald Hamilton
Merle Hanna
Jerry Harrod
Ricky Humble
Gary Irwin
Roy Jackson
Michael Johnson
Thomas Johnson
Ronald Kephart
Neil Kibler
Karen Knaak
Roselea Kunzman
Marcia Lamis
Sandra Lane
Ronald Long
Walter Major
David Marnholtz
Ruby Martsching
Connie McDaniel
Judith McDaniel
David Miller
Doris Newland
Pamela Orms
Dennis Pauls
Andrea Peebler
Linda Potts
Gerald Pratt
Ronald Ragen
Lynda Redeker
Brent Roath
Janet Rupe
Shirley Rupe
Charles Russell
Wayne Scherer
Connie Schmidt
Ronald Scott
Charles Sedore
Elaine Shepherd
Dennis Snakenberg
Arlene Snook
Mary Snook
Jerry Sprouse
Rodger Sprouse
Rebecca Steele
Ronald Streeby
Arlan Tarbell
John Thompson
Winifred Troxel
Marilyn Van Blaricom
Gregory Wheaton
Tom Whitham
Elaine Wilkinson
Mary Wright
Michael Wymer
Carole Wymore

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