Graduation Classes
Class of 1973
Mary Ann Adam
Nick Adam
Wayne Allen
Connie Archer
David Arnold
Bill Baker
David Bennett
Sharon Bloomquist
Cyndy Brown
Gary Callison
John Cloke
Kay Cloke
Georgia Clouse
Becky Conrad
Jamie Covert
Barbara Darnielle
Martha Davidson
Ron Deeds
Tom Despiegelaere
Marilyn Devore
Dan Durflinger
Connie Eakins
Dennis Eakins
Darrell Ellis
Bill Essary
Patty Farley
Debbie Fisher
Beverly Fountain
Pam Frescoln
Loraine Fuller
Janice Gibb
Lora Giltner
Barb Gobble
Larry Goodwin
Kent Heckart
Cathy Heston
Frank Hofsteter
Dave Hopwood
Marlon Jackson
Jim Johnson
Fred Kepler
Brady Kern
Adrian Kildow
James Kildow
Sharon Kurka
Susann Larson
Candy Loomis
Debb Luke (Kent) · Read Bio
Diane Maize
Roberta Martin
Diana Marts
Debbie Matthies
Debbie McBeth
Kevin McClure
Christine Miller
Doug Moore
Debbie Nevins
Virginia Newquist
Diana Nichols
Jackie Nickelson
Belinda Nord
Karen North
Nancy Ostrander
Jean Peebler
Kerry Reinier
Jennie Riehm
Mark Riley
Raymond Ritz
Tom Roberts
Nora Rupe
Craig Scherer
Diane Scherer
Mary Schewe
Stephanie Schmitz
Rick Scott
Vince Sharp
Dave Sheets
Carol Smith
Dennis Spinks
Joe Sprouse
Luann Steele
Kathy Stewart
Diana Swanson
Mary Teeter
Pat Tray
Chris Trembly
Tim Vandenberg
Debbie Wymer

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