Graduation Classes
Class of 1977
Bill Acton
Debbie Alvine Moyer
Kelley Archer
Jon Augustine
Jane Barnett
Jim Bedford
Teresa Black
Craig Bride
Mary Briner
Dick Brown
Rick Brown
Will Conrad
Lisa Crench
Mike Durflinger
Wayne Durflinger
Debra Farley
Jack Farley
Tim Farley
Janet Fiedler
Rex Franklin
Regina Fronczak
Felicia Fuller
Randy Garrett
Brenda Gottman
Evelyn Hart
Alan Hemm
Bill Hofstetter
Randy Irwin
Diana Johnson
Kathy Johnson
Keith Johnson
Mark Kayser
Doug Kitchen
Kathy Klicker
Teri Kunzman
Mitch Laughlin
Doug Liles
Randy Liles
Joyce Locke
Cathy Ludwig (Cathy Sandy) · Read Bio
Diane McCarroll
Deanna Millard
Ruth Miller
Robert Mobley
Albert Myers
Leslie Newman
Tom Nord
Mary Poos
Lori Rea
Celia Riley
Jerry Roberts
Kathy Ross
Tony Rowell
Jim Sedore
Deanna Shipley
Jim Sibbernsen
Jim Sloan
Steve Slutts
Karl Smith
Richard Smith
Joy Spees
Lynne Steele
Pete Summers
Dan Swaim
Connie Swanson
Eric Swayzee
Craig Thompson
Mike Thompson
Robert Thompson
Sharon Trembly
Royce Vanblaricome
Letticha Weltch
Sherri Wilburn
James Will
Marcy Williams
Steve York

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