Graduation Classes
Class of 1984
Kathy Ades
Jody Bailey
Trent Baker
Tracy Batterson
Cindy Bickford
Tara Brill
Melanie Brown
Jack Carter
Jason Chance
Robin Cloke
Greg Cook
Amy Cope
Lori Courtney
Allen Dage
Jane DeSpiegelaere
Patti Durflinger
Todd Durflinger
Rose Estle
Troy Fenner
John Fiedler
Robert Fletcher
Reesa Franklin
Rick Garrels
Steve Giberson
Wayne Hale
John Hancock
Tammy Harvey
Mike Hemm
Deborah Holtzinger
Tim Howard
Sue Hull
Roger Jackson
Debbie Johnson
Brian Kent
Mark Laughlin
Cam Lowing
Mark McCall
Tim Parrish
Ricardo Perez
Lisa Phillips
Terry Potts
Debbi Pouder
Martin Quick
Lisa Rae
Brian Roberts
Mark Roe
Robin Roe
Tim Rogers
Wanda Rupe
Steven Schmidt
Jill Scholten
Jennifer Shipley
Laura Stephenson
Brad Streeby
Shannon Streeby (Breon) · Read Bio
Steve Streeby
Brenda Thompson
Susan Thompson
Rebecca Widmar
Sue Wilburn
Brad Yeager
Lisa Yochum

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