Graduation Classes
Class of 1987
Mark Allen
Doug Baker
Tom Barnes
Mia Bautista
Chris Brown
Michelle Campbell
Ron Canny
Jon Cary
Lainie Chance
Roberta Clow
Scott Cook
Stephanie Cooper
Chris Courtney
Becky Covert
Lisa Cox
Dena Devore
Tammy Dugan
Earl Eleins
Dale Fedkenheuer
Laura Fitzsimmons
Brenda Franklin
Janet Frotz
Russ Fullenkamp
Jenny Gardner
Thadd Gray
Lori Greiner
Michelle Hatterson
Brad Hawk
Chris Hemm
Tony Huffman
Jody Jackson
Christy Johnson
Mike Johnson
Kristy Knapp
Bob Larson
Eric Larson
Sondra Livingston
Sandy McCleary
Tina McCleary
Craig McNiel
Michael Mills
Verne Myers
Jeff Powell
Rachel Pratt
Mark Reisch
Robert Riley
David Roberts
Jamie Rumble
Tony Rupe
Tycene Smith
Jim Snead
Joe Snead
Melissa Steele
Tim Steen
Missy Streeby
Brian Thomas
Lou Thompson
Ramona Troxel
Joe Wright

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