Graduation Classes
Class of 1992
Shane Amendt
Aaron Applegate
Brad Askeland
Tom Blunt
Vincent Bonner
Becky Briner
Brandi Brown
Hiedi Cloke
Monica Conde
Chantel Crouse
Andy Deiters
Grace Dovico
Nicole Dueker
William Durflinger
Valerie Durham
Jack Eaves
James Essary
Jeff Fiedler
Melissa Finney
Bill Fitzgerald
Lewis Gerloff
Prosper Goering
Chris Greiner
Julie Hanna
Jenny Johnson
Katie Leinhauser
Doug Lennox
Eric Lewis
Cindy Lyon
Travis McClure
Jason McKim
Andy Metcalf
Steven Norris
Chad Potts
Chrissy Pratt
Melissa Riley
Tad Runyon
Richard Rupe
Andy Schwochow
Lisa Sloan
Carrie Streeby
Cindy Tedrow
John Van Blaricom
Steve Wemmie
Angela Wymore

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