Graduation Classes
Class of 1995
Tim Albert · Read Profile
Luke Applegate
Tara Baker
Shane Bedford
Michael Blumer
Steven Blumer
Wendi Boxx
David Chickering
Rhiannon Clark
Theresa Clark
Andrea Coltrain
Mindy Dovico
Todd Dovico
Daniel Dueker
Nicole Durflinger
Tammy Farrington
Tara Finney
Cathy Fitzgerald
Amy Frost
Eric Fullenkamp
Philip Goering
Kenny Hamm
Michelle Haynes
Jamie Hickenbottom
Shane Howard
Jeff Irwin
Jeremiah Jones
Denise Keasling
Emily Kent
Jill Lockhart
Vicky McCleary
Talia McClure
Jon Miller
Shane Rainbolt
Brian Riehm
Stacie Sapp
Daniel Sedore
Christopher Sertterh
Aaron Smith
Matt Spurgeon
Travis Wheeldon
Cliff Williams

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