Graduation Classes
Class of 1997
Stacey Boyd
Matthew Canny
Lonnie Carrick
Jennifer Clark
Krista Clark
Tiffany Cloke
Matt Davis
Jason Durflinger
Matt Durflinger
Matthew Eakins
Stephen Frescoln
Todd Giles
John Goering
Michelle Higdon
Melanie Hopwood
Jacob Johnson
Natalie Johnson
Nick Johnson
Sarah Kent
Deneill King
Jill Knakk
Robin Lamis
Alisha Lewis
Kevin Link
Walter Long
Melissa Luke
Brian Major
James Manus
Jacob Mathis
Tara McClure
Jake McCusker
Kelly McDaniel
Darren Neill
Charlotte Pippenger
Ronald Pumphrey
Joni Scherer
Heather Stevens
Elizabeth Wemmie
Alissa Wilkinson

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