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Hannah Benson
Brandon Brown
Barbra Broyles
Kayla Burdock
Nataly Camacho
Kelcey Campbell
Blake Christy
Amber Collins
Jeran Courtney
Tara Craver
Dennis Davison
Kaleb Droz
Amanda Durflinger
Colton Ehret
Amber Elder
Richard Fortney
Andrea Fults
Julie Glenn
Trevor Goodell
Ashleigh Graham
Elizabeth Haynes
Brandon Headley
Derek Heisdorffer
Joseph Jacobs
Alexander Jans
Ricky Keasling
Stephanie Kisling
Ayla Koetting
Kyle La Point
Lezza Leedom
Mark Lord
Malia Love
Lindsey Miller
Brandon Mosher
Tiffany Moss
Kelcey Paul
Ross Pauls
James Phillips
Christopher Rankin
Nathan Roberts
Jessica Scherer
Robert Sedore
Breanna Shields
Scott Shull
Tyler Smith
Cassandra Stalley (Hilliard) · Read Bio
Kelsey Stover
Kathryn Streeby
Dusty Thompson
Krystal Thompson
Michael Warren
Russell Weir
Hayley Wright
Devin Yeager

Update Your Information

If you graduated in the class of 2008, we'd love to hear from you. Use our alumni update form to share:
  • your email address
  • your Facebook profile
  • your photo
  • career and personal news
We'll update the information on this class page and may include in a future Cardinal alumni newsletter!
From our first interaction with the staff at Cardinal schools, we felt at home. The entire staff is amazing and we feel that we have a trusted partner in our children’s education. The greatest testament to their success is that our kids love going to school. There is nothing more welcoming as a parent than to have a school that you trust to take care of the most precious thing in your life. Cardinal School District does just that.
Ellis and Barbara Codjoe · Cardinal Parents
Cardinal School District does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, age (for employment), socioeconomic status (for programs), religion, disability, creed, national origin, marital status (for programs), sex, sexual orientation, or gender identity in its educational programs and employment practices. There is a grievance procedure for processing complaints of discrimination. If you have questions or grievance related to this policy, please contact the district’s equity coordinator, Cindy Green.

The Cardinal Community School District offers career and technical  programs in the following service areas:
Agriculture, Food, and Natural Resources
Health Science
Human Services
Business, Finance, Marketing, and Management

Cindy Green -
Middle School Principal/Director of Curriculum & Instruction, Equity Coordinator
4045 Ashland Rd.
Eldon, IA 52554
(641) 652-7531

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