From Student to Middle School Principal

Cindy Stevens Green '00
Green, who graduated in 2000, has seen first hand how Cardinal has transformed over the years and become a stand out district for their innovation and passion for their students.
“When I was a student, Cardinal was all I knew,” Green says. “I just know that I loved the small class sizes and the family feel as a student. That family atmosphere persists now that I am an adult and I think that is one of the reasons people are drawn here.”
Some of Green’s love for the district comes from the nostalgia of childhood memories like classes with her favorite teacher Mr.Wixom, learning recipes in middle school food class that she still uses today, all of the excitement of Homecoming Week, and the fun of reading Dr. Seuss books.
“I remember learning to read Green Eggs and Ham in 1st grade and my teacher, Mrs. McCoy made us eggs, colored with green food coloring and ham,” says Green.
She says it’s one of her favorite memories as a student. It’s only fitting that Green now gets to be part of making memories for current Cardinal students and sharing the lessons her teachers and coaches passed down to her.
“At Cardinal, I learned the value of hard work, community, and the importance of being a well-rounded individual,” Green says.
One of the most important takeaways from her time at Cardinal came from her high school guidance counselor who talked to her about different career paths and what she wanted for life after school.
“We also did some career inventories that helped me to see what I would be good at and what I would not be the best at,” Green explains. “I distinctly remember learning after one of those inventories that I should never become a diesel mechanic or a healthcare professional!”
While we’re sure Green could have succeeded in those fields if she wanted to, we’re glad she found her true calling in education. She returned to Cardinal after college as a middle school teacher before working her way up to her current position as principal.
“I really haven't wanted to work anywhere else,” Green says. “I have always loved Cardinal, so I really have never had much of a desire to go anywhere else.”