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Submit a nomination for this year's Fine Arts Hall of Fame.

Criteria for Selection

Must be a graduating student of Cardinal High School, Agency High School, Batavia High School, Eldon High School, or Selma High School, and out of school for at least five years. Graduate must have participated in the Fine Arts at Cardinal, and made significant contributions to the Fine Arts field; OR, a current or former Fine Arts staff member who has made a significant contribution to Cardinal Fine Arts. While performing arts achievement is the first consideration; moral character, positivity, role model and good citizenship during high school and post-high school years will be taken into account.

Nomination Process

The Fine Arts Hall of Fame Committee shall be responsible for soliciting nominations every year. Solicitations shall be made in school district publications (print or digital), local newspapers, at various school and community fine arts programs and events, and from prior inductees. Nominations must be made in writing or online (see below) on the official nomination form and received by April 15, 2025. Nominations may be made by anyone connected to the Cardinal community. It is the responsibility of the nominator to provide personal information and a record of the Arts achievements/contributions of the nominee.

Written nominations may be:

  • Mailed or dropped off to Cardinal CSD, 4045 Ashland Road, Eldon, IA 52554
  • Faxed to 641-652-3143
  • Scanned and emailed to Cindy Lindner

Or ​​​​​​submit a nomination form online:

Nomination Form

All fields are required.


A maximum of three candidates may be selected for induction each year. Candidates not selected may be considered in the subsequent years without the need for re-nomination for four years. Election shall be by secret ballot of the voting members of the Fine Arts Hall of Fame Committee. The committee shall agree, prior to the balloting, on the particular procedures and rules that will govern the election process.

Fine Arts Hall of Fame Committee

The Fine Arts Hall of Fame Committee shall be composed of up to five voting members, which include the following: activities director, an administrative/lead learner team member coordinator, a teacher from the fine arts faculty, a member of the Dollars for Scholars committee, and the current music booster club president or designee. The founding committee will be responsible for determining the rubric that will be used for selection of the recipients. This rubric will be reviewed and possibly revised on an annual basis.

Induction & Award

Induction shall take place at Homecoming. A commemorative gift will be presented to each recipient.

The mission of the Cardinal Community School is to foster an enriching environment and channel the energies of students to achieve their fullest potential.
Cardinal School District does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, age (for employment), socioeconomic status (for programs), religion, disability, creed, national origin, marital status (for programs), sex, sexual orientation, or gender identity in its educational programs and employment practices. There is a grievance procedure for processing complaints of discrimination. If you have questions or grievance related to this policy, please contact the district’s equity coordinator, Cindy Green.

The Cardinal Community School District offers career and technical  programs in the following service areas:
Agriculture, Food, and Natural Resources
Health Science
Human Services
Business, Finance, Marketing, and Management

Cindy Green -
Middle School Principal/Director of Curriculum & Instruction, Equity Coordinator
4045 Ashland Rd.
Eldon, IA 52554
(641) 652-7531

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