Cardinal Board of Education Provides Update on Superintendent Hiring Process

posted March 7, 2023
The Cardinal Community School District Board of Education would like to provide an update on the superintendent hiring process. The board recently met with staff at Grundmeyer Leader Services to review the candidate pool.
The position was posted and resulted in 10 candidates, including one candidate from outside the state of Iowa. The pool included eight male candidates, one female candidate, and one candidate who chose no response. Five of the candidates hold specialist/six-year degrees, while three hold a terminal degree (Ed.D. or Ph.D.).
The board will conduct screening interviews with the semi-finalists on Thursday, March 9th. After the screening interview process, finalists will publicly be announced for the position. Formal interviews have been scheduled for Thursday, March 23rd.
Stakeholders will soon be contacted to serve on the formal interview teams. These groups will include staff, teachers, administrators, and community members. Each person will provide the board with feedback on the finalists after the interviews.
The new superintendent will officially begin leading the Cardinal Community School District on July 1, 2023.