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Iowa School Performance Profile 2022

posted October 25, 2022

The 2022 Iowa School Performance Profiles are out, and we're pleased to say that Cardinal Community School District's scores have improved for all three buildings since 2021. Cardinal High School saw the largest increase, up 5.31 points to 53.62. All three schools are categorized as "Acceptable" or "Commendable." We're grateful for all of our team members whose work makes those scores possible.

The 2022 report marks Cardinal Elementary School's third time earning the "Commendable" or "High Performing" category in the last four years.

"We still have areas to improve, but the report's results are good indicators that we're moving forward after facing many challenges during the pandemic with student learning and mental health," Joel Pedersen, Cardinal superintendent explains.

Part of those improvements includes making sure our students have the tools and support they need to succeed in the classroom.

"Our improvements will continue to include focusing on the whole child," Mr. Pedersen says. "It's difficult for children to learn if their basic needs are not met. We want to continue to make improvements on that level."

Our staff is excited to continue making improvements for our students, and we look forward to seeing where our scores land next year and into the future!

 2022 Iowa School Performance Profile

My real endorsement of Cardinal Schools and its faculty and staff can be seen each morning when I hand them the one irreplaceable and most valuable thing in my life: my kids. No letter I write could be a greater endorsement than that simple act. I give them my kids, and I do it with a huge smile on my face because I trust them to do what they are most outstanding at: building our future.
Kevin S. Maggio · Cardinal Parent
Cardinal School District does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, age (for employment), socioeconomic status (for programs), religion, disability, creed, national origin, marital status (for programs), sex, sexual orientation, or gender identity in its educational programs and employment practices. There is a grievance procedure for processing complaints of discrimination. If you have questions or grievance related to this policy, please contact the district’s equity coordinator, Cindy Green.

The Cardinal Community School District offers career and technical  programs in the following service areas:
Agriculture, Food, and Natural Resources
Health Science
Human Services
Business, Finance, Marketing, and Management

Cindy Green -
Middle School Principal/Director of Curriculum & Instruction, Equity Coordinator
4045 Ashland Rd.
Eldon, IA 52554
(641) 652-7531

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