Join Cardinal Afterschool Adventures 4-H Club

posted September 27, 2023
Is your child in 4th, 5th, or 6th grade? They may be interested in joining the Cardinal Afterschool Adventures 4-H Club where students learn about creative arts, healthy living, financial literacy, STEM, and more. Participants in the club will also be considered 4-H members and able to take advantage of any 4-H activities offered (including Expo)!
The club includes eight monthly sessions, beginning on October 25. The 4-H club will meet at Cardinal after school until 5:15 p.m. It is $45 for the eight sessions. Registration is open at Enroll as a 4-H member and choose "Cardinal Afterschool Adventures" as your 4-H club.
The fees for the club will be used to offset direct expenses and to support the 4-H Youth Development County Extension Program from Iowa State University Extention and Outreach.
Club Dates
The schedule is subject to change.
- Wednesday, October 25
- Wednesday, November 29
- Wednesday, January 24
- Wednesday, January 31**
- Wednesday, February 28
- Friday, April 5
- Wednesday, April 24**
- Wednesday, May 22
**No meetings in December and March, but there will be two in January and April.