Meet New 2nd Grade Teacher Mrs. Johnston!

posted July 31, 2023
Alissa Johnston joins us this year as a 2nd grade teacher! A fellow Cardinal parent, we hope you will give her a warm welcome if you see her on campus. We asked her some questions so you could get to know her a bit before the school year begins.
Why did you want to teach at Cardinal?
My children have been open enrolled at Cardinal for the last six years, and I have worked within the district for the last two. I also had the opportunity to complete my student teaching here at Cardinal. Over the years I have grown to love how supportive and encouraging the community and staff truly are!
What do you like about teaching 2nd grade?
I love how eager and excited to learn students are at this age. There is a perfect balance between having fun and learning!
What is your favorite part of teaching?
The positive impact that you can have on your students, as well as, being able to watch their growth both academically and personally.
What is your ultimate goal as a teacher?
To create a fun and safe learning environment that provides my students with the tools they need to be successful in learning, while also making a positive impact on their lives.
What do you hope students take away from your class this year?
I hope they believe in themselves and know they are capable of doing hard things.
Fun Facts/Hobbies:
My husband and I have been married for 10 years, and we have three kids that attend Cardinal. We have a golden doodle named Reuben, who thinks he is one of the kids. We love the outdoors and you can usually find us camping, fishing and exploring new parks. I am so excited to be teaching at Cardinal!