New Building Entrance Open Times

James Craig, Superintendent · posted January 25, 2024
Dear Cardinal Family,
As a part of our continued commitment to student and employee safety, the District reviews and revises safety policies on a regular basis. After discussion with the administrative team and Cardinal school resource officer Deputy Chris Shadduck, a decision has been made to change the times our buildings open in the mornings.
Starting Tuesday, January 30, 2024, the main entrances to the elementary, middle and high schools will all open automatically at 7:30 am. The main entrances will be the only doors unlocked in the mornings and all students and patrons shall use these entrances to access our buildings. Parents will still be asked not to drop off their children prior to 7:40 am. Each building has a plan for inclement weather in case students need to be protected from the elements at 7:40 am daily, however, the district cannot provide this protection with supervision until that time.
The daycare will continue to be open for drop off at 6:00 am daily. We appreciate parents continuing to use the daycare entrance for morning drop off.
Any questions regarding this change should be directed to your attendance center principal for an explanation of the specific details for that building.
James Craig