Thank a Comet: July Messages

posted August 1, 2023
Our "Thank a Comet" website feature allows you to write a thank you note to a Cardinal student, staff member, parent, or community member.
We've collected all of the thank you notes we received this month (and that we have permission to share) here in this post. Enjoy!
Person to Thank
Amber Meeker
Thank You Note
I've seen Mrs. Amber while picking up my granddaughter and out in public. She has such a genuine love for all of the students. The students love her right back. It's been a pleasure seeing her interact with them on and off school grounds. I hope to see her back at the elementary, but I know her newer student is so lucky too.
- Anonymous
Person to Thank
Ryan Renfrew
Thank You Note
Thank you for the dedication you have for the boys, all the time you put in above and beyond to the baseball program. We appreciate how welcoming you were with our child coming to Cardinal and the baseball program. Thank you!
- April MacQueen
Person to Thank
Cardinal School District
Thank You Note
I want to thank each and every person who works at Cardinal: from the janitors, to the teachers, to the bus drivers, to all those who maintain the school, to all the associates, to all the lunch ladies, to all higher ups, and any other amazing group of people I am somehow forgetting. Everyone is so friendly, supportive, kind, and amazing to work with. There is truly no other school district with as many amazing people as Cardinal and that is so community oriented. We are Cardinal!
- Anonymous
Now it's your turn! Share a thank you note with a Comet who has done something kind for you or others.