The Cardinal Chronicle: Volume 1, Issue 1

Cardinal Students · posted January 11, 2024
The Holidays with The Comets
Written By: Ava Ballard
Thanksgiving break has passed and Christmas is right around the corner. Staff and students here at Cardinal are getting excited for the upcoming holiday season. I took it upon myself to interview some of the Cardinal community who are gearing up for the holidays. I was able to get a few interviews with students and staff.
The whole community enjoyed the long 6 day Thanksgiving break we had this year and made sure to remember Thanksgiving is all about giving thanks and thinking about all you have to be grateful for. Ric Radley, a Freshman here at Cardinal shared what he is most thankful for saying, “My nephew and my family.” Hopefully your Thanksgiving break was spent with family and friends celebrating the holiday, eating some good food, and enjoying the small break from school.
We just came back from Christmas break, and I know everyone had different things they were looking forward to. Everyone shares that they are excited to spend time with family and friends and of course students, and some of the staff I'm sure, are excited for the long much needed holiday break. Mr. Lehn our high school principal seems to have a busy Christmas planned involving lots of family time saying, “Our winter break plans involve 4 different Christmas celebrations, so we get to enjoy family and friends.”
I think a key part of all Christmas celebrations are traditions, every family has traditions whether it be something small or something big. When asked what traditions her family has Ms. Hays said, “For Christmas morning, I always have fresh cinnamon rolls for breakfast so that the smell of the cinnamon rolls wakes everybody up.” That is one of my favorite traditions I heard when interviewing people. Another that follows closely behind is the tradition Nevaeh Irvine and her family partake in, she shared it with me saying, “We go caroling at the old folks home every year.”
We can't forget about the New Year: 2024 is here. With that being said you better get your resolutions ready, it can be something small like maybe reading 10 minutes a day or something big like cutting down on your caffeine consumption. Or you can be like both Profe Marshall and Ms. Hays, who both said that they don't make new year's resolutions. Unlike them Mr. Lehn has good luck with setting new year's resolutions and following through with them. He shared his resolution for this year which I think will be both beneficial for him as well as our whole community. Here is what he had to say about his resolution for this year, “I think this year’s resolution will involve some educational leadership reading. I will probably try to shoot for 10 minutes a day for 5 days a week!”
Finally there are so many things to be excited for this upcoming year, Cassidy Brown, a senior, shared what she was most excited for saying, “I'm excited to graduate.” I think a lot of the senior class are also excited for that time to come, and I'm sure it will be here before they know it. As for others, Profe Marshall is looking forward to 2024 because as she said, “In 2024 I am going to travel. I plan on going to Oregon, Texas, and Chicago to visit friends I haven't seen for a long time!” Lastly, Sara Breeding a Sophomore, also shared what she is excited for in 2024 saying, “Being 16.”
On behalf of the newspaper club I hope you all have had a good Christmas and a happy new year! Thank you to all those who agreed to do an interview and to be a part of the first edition of The Cardinal Chronicle. If you have any interest in joining the newspaper club feel free to let Mrs. Walker know!
Quiz Bowl
Written By: Nevaeh Irvine
There has been an abundance of great groups at Cardinal Community School District. Quiz bowl has been one of them.
"In 1995, the past quiz bowl coach, Ms Lore-Lawson, said she didn't have time for it anymore and asked if I wanted to take it over and I agreed to. She was the second quiz bowl coach since I arrived at Cardinal in 1985, so I don't know how long it has been going, but I didn't create it." Wayne Wixom said.
Wixom continued by saying, "I like trivia and learning, and there is plenty of both with quiz bowl. The main reason I remain as sponsor though are the students who participate in it. Like me, they like trivia and learning, and quiz bowl gives them the opportunity for both. Quiz bowl can be very humbling for the participants since you never know what will be asked, but it can also boost egos when you do get a question right or beat a big school team, reminding them that Cardinal students can compete with anyone."
Drakan Swain stated the following about how his experience has been in quiz bowl. I asked him a series of questions:
Why have you continued to do quiz bowl the last three years of high school? "It is fun and I learn more."
Why has quiz bowl inspired you? "It makes me dig deep, and I love learning new things. That's why quiz bowl still inspires me."
How has quiz bowl made a difference In your life? "I have made new friends and that has made a difference in my life because of the new people."
The last thing I asked him was: What do you enjoy most about quiz bowl? "The competitions, I learn how to work with my team to get the right answers and practice is a really good atmosphere."
And finally, a last quote from Mr. Wixom, "I encourage all students to give quiz bowl a try. Practices start again in January."
Girls Wrestling
Written By: Alivia Replogle
This year was the first year the girl’s wrestling team has had their own conference and they are doing great! They went to the first Bill Rex Girl’s tournament and won 1st place as a team with 176 team points, beating Eddyville- Blakesburg -Fremont by 17 points and Albia by 21. Overall we had three individual winners, Abigail Durflinger, Ajaah Cox, and Skyllar Welch.
At the Keokuk Girl’s Invitational Cardinal had two firstplace winners, Macy Groove and Ajaah Cox. They also had several second -place winners; Bryleigh Sparks, Skyllar Welch, Abby Durflinger, and Haylie Keasling, and one thirdplace winner; Lexi Wey. Since there was not a team race at the tournament there were no team results.
It looks like it's going to be a great season!