Virtual Learning Day Procedures
What is a Virtual Learning Day?
On days when inclement weather makes in-person learning unsafe, the district may plan and announce a Virtual Learning Day. Per Iowa law, Cardinal may utilize up to 30 hours of instructional time as virtual learning days. This equals four (4) days for Cardinal. These days will consist of students completing school work and activities from home and are considered instructional days that do not need to be made up.
What if I Have Questions?
Questions regarding the District calendar should be directed to the superintendent at the Central Office. If you have questions regarding virtual day assignments, please email your student’s teacher(s) and/or building principal.
What to Expect on a Virtual Learning Day
Teachers will:
- Prepare grade-level learning activities and lesson plans.
- Design learning activities that allow students to complete tasks, including any accommodations required by a student’s 504 or IEP.
- Monitor email to answer questions and provide feedback from 8:00 am - 3:30 pm.
- Allow students the option to complete the learning task(s) and activities within two days after returning to school if supports and/or accommodations are needed.
*Daily attendance during virtual learning will be recorded based on assignment/task completion as determined when school is back in person.
Students will:
- Complete distributed assignments and/or learning packets as assigned.
In advance, students will:
- Know where to access and be prepared to complete virtual learning day packets & activities.
Students will be marked as present if assigned activities are completed within two school days.
Caregiver Guidance:
- Monitor and support student progress in accessing and completing activities and assignments.
- Communicate questions for teachers and/or principals via email.
- Report students as absent if they are unable to participate in virtual learning due to illness.
- Upon return to school, students who have been reported absent will follow the school's make-up policy to complete any work missed.